Parkland College > Graphic Design > Student Links > GDS 292 > About Us

Studio 292 is a course for honor students in the graphic design and illustration programs at Parkland College. Students are required to present a portfolio for admission into this class.

The course is designed to give students real-world experience as they work on projects with actual clients who need creative solutions to their marketing communication problems. The class is structured to simulate a graphic design studio with students taking the roles of account executive, art director, designer, illustrator, photographer, and copywriter (if necessary).

Students will work in small groups under the supervision of the instructor who acts as creative director. Estimates are prepared, conference memos are written and invoices sent after completion of each project. Although clients are not charged for our time, estimates for both time and materials are prepared prior to the start of each project.

Students will also have direct contact with clients. Clients are interviewed at the beginning of each project where objectives are determined. Formal presentations are made by the students during the creative phase. Upon acceptance of the creative, the students will go into production and prepare web-ready or press-ready digital files for delivery.

Upon completion of the project, students acquire printed or published samples to include in their portfolio.