Electric Pictures
Electric Pictures

Electric Pictures has solved branding
and marketing problems for hundreds
of clients. Here’s one example.

Electric Pictures has solved branding and marketing problems for hundreds of clients. Here’s one example.

Project: Opera Posters 
Client: Krannert Center for the
Performing Arts

Background: Every year, the School of Music produces three operas under the direction of Maestro Eduardo Diazmuñoz. Each season is designed to offer opera fans a variety of flavors as well as to attract potential new audiences. Since each opera production is unique, we decided to approach each opera as if it was a movie. And each "movie" poster had to communicate an easy-to-understand "genre."

Objective: In our initial meetings, Eduardo explained that he saw opera as "love": strong, potent and passionate. We agreed that these posters need to be bold, colorful, simple and spicy. Our goal was to make opera exciting for a new audience while communicating the unique flavor of each production creatively.

Solution: After extensive research and conceptual explorations, multiple concepts were presented to the client for discussion. A deliberate effort was made to show a variety of solutions for each production. After receiving comments from the client, the selected art was revised and refined for printing. Since 2006, Electric Pictures has designed over 14 opera posters for Krannert Center. Sometimes, elements of the finished art was animated for Krannert Center's home page as well as the lobby TV monitors.

Krannert Center LA BOHEME opera poster