Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

Graphic Design Exercises
InDesign: Calendar (Grid)

(Archived from 2019)


To learn design principles as it relates to publication design. To learn InDesign production techniques by recreating this calendar grid.


Publication design involves multiple pages. The strongest way to unify a multi-page publication is with a consistent typography system (style sheets) and a consistent grid system.

This sample publication is intended to be printed on a digital press with bleeds. Since the sheet is 11 x 17 inches, the trim size has been reduced by 1p on the outside to accommodate easy cutting.


preparing for the exercise

  1. launch InDesign
  2. file > new (letter, landscape, margins=1p, facing pages=no)
  3. rename "layer1" as "trim"
  4. window > pages: panel options: size=small
  5. go to A master (cmd+J: A)
  6. layout > margins: bottom=0, others=1p
  7. draw box snapped to margin; stroke=1pt red (this is the trim)
  8. draw circle: x=32p6, y=2p, w=1p, h=1p; fill=red (this is the hole)
  9. window > pages: new master: prefix = C (fly out)
  10. go to C master (cmd+J: C)
  11. layout > margins: top=0, others=1p
  12. draw box snapped to margin; stroke=1pt red
  13. draw circle: x=32p6, y=48p, w=1p, h=1p; fill=red
  14. lock "trim" layer
  15. new layers: "type", "months small", "holidays", "grid", "guides"
  16. "guides" layer: draw text frame: w=59p, h=42p, x=3p6, y=3p, columns=7; lock layer
  17. InDesign > preferences > advanced type:
    • superscript: size=66%, position=25%
    • subscript: size=66%, position=0%
  18. InDesign > preferences > grid: baseline grid: increment every = 12pt
  19. view > grids > show baseline grid
  20. type > show hidden characters (cmd+opt+I)

laying out the "C-Master" page

  1. go to "type" layer, lock others
  2. edit paragraph style "basic paragraph": preview=yes; ITC Century Std Book 11/12, hyph=off
  3. type tool: new text frame: "January"
  4. new paragraph style "month": apply style to selection=yes; based on "basic paragraph"; Light, 48/48, tracking= -10
  5. type tool: new text frame: "Sunday [TAB] Monday [TAB]..."
  6. type > tabs: add LEFT tabs at guides (cmd+shift+T)
  7. new paragraph style "days": based on "basic paragraph"; bold, paper
  8. select tool: fill=30K, vertical align=middle
  9. add [SPACE] before 'Sunday'
  10. type tool: new text frame: "1 [TAB] 2 [TAB]..."
  11. type > tabs: add LEFT tabs at guides (cmd+shift+T)
  12. new paragraph style "numbers": based on "basic paragraph"; Light, 24/84, kerning=optical
  13. select tool: copy text frame to "months small" layer (opt+drag SQUARE to new layer); lock other layers
  14. type tool: select all (cmd+A)
  15. new paragraph style "numbers small": based on "numbers"; Book, 7/10; LEFT tabs at 1p, 2p, REPEAT
  16. make text frame w=7p, h=6p; reposition
  17. add "December 20??", "S [TAB] M [TAB] T [TAB] ..."
  18. duplicate text frame, reposition, adjust content
  19. go to "holidays" layer, lock others
  20. type tool: new text frame: "New Year's Day" (w=5p, h=5p), snap to grid
  21. new paragraph style "holidays": based on "basic paragraph"; 9/10 Book, red; right indent=0p6
  22. duplicate text frame (opt+MOVE)
  23. replace text with "Martin Luther King, Jr Day"

drawing the grid

  1. go to "grid" layer, lock others
  2. pen tool: draw upside down "L" shape aligned to grid, stroke color=30K
  3. duplicate object (opt+DRAG to right)
  4. object > transform again > transform sequence again (cmd+opt+4)
  5. duplicate row 4x

finishing the document

  1. go to page 1 (cmd+J: 1)
  2. drag new A master down, drag new C master down; repeat
  3. cmd+shift+CLICK on text frames to edit contents
  4. add superscript/subscript as needed
  5. add your name and exercise number
  6. file > new > book
  7. add documents as needed
  8. synchronize styles as needed
  9. export book to PDF (flyout menu)
  10. print a b&w proof


  1. submit b&w proof with your name and exercise number on it for grading
  2. file your graded proof in your Process Book for individual review

Last updated: 5/7/21