Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

Graphic Design Exercises
InDesign: Text Type

(Archived from 2019)


To learn how to enhance readability in text type. To study the texture and color differences between various typefaces. To learn InDesign's professional typesetting tools by example.

Also see:


prepping for the exercise

  1. download starter file; open in InDesign
  2. practice Adobe navigation keyboard shortcuts: space=hand; space+cmd=zoom in; space+cmd+opt=zoom out; cmd+zero=fit in window
  3. practice InDesign preview shortcuts: cmd+opt+I (show/hide hidden characters); W (normal/preview mode)
  4. go to master page: type your name and exercise number at the top of the file; return to page 1
  5. select tool: cmd+shift+CLICK text frame to unlink from master page

page 1–3: making paragraph breaks

  1. view > actual size (cmd+1)
  2. note font, size and leading (cmd+shift+click on main text frame)
  3. select all (cmd+A)
  4. change paragraph space before = 12pt
  5. duplicate page 1 to make page 2 (window > pages: drag page 1 icon on top of new page icon)
  6. select all (cmd+A)
  7. change paragraph space before = 9pt
  8. duplicate page 2 to make page 3
  9. select all (cmd+A)
  10. change paragraph space before = 6pt
  11. compare first 3 pages

page 4: making indents

  1. duplicate page 3 to make page 4
  2. select all (cmd+A): remove all paragraph space before
  3. select 2nd paragraph: make first line indent = 2p
  4. select 3rd paragraph: make first line indent = 1p6
  5. select 4th paragraph: make first line indent = 1p
  6. select 5th paragraph: make first line indent = 0p9
  7. add an em space before 6th paragraph
  8. compare first line indents

page 5: change column width

  1. duplicate page 4 to make page 5
  2. view 150%
  3. note the current width of the frame; read the copy
  4. change the width by subtracting one inch (6 picas) at a time; read the copy
  5. continue to change the width until there are only 7 words (average) per line (this is optimum line length)
  6. select all the text (cmd-A)
  7. justify all text (is this an improvement?); return to flush left
  8. select all: change first line indent = 1p
  9. record new width at bottom of page

page 6: change the leading

  1. duplicate page 5 to make page 6
  2. view 150%
  3. make text frame width 18p (3 inches)
  4. select 1st paragraph: make leading = 10pt
  5. select 2nd paragraph: make leading = 11pt
  6. select 3rd paragraph: make leading = 12pt
  7. select 4th paragraph: make leading = 13pt
  8. select 5th paragraph: make leading = 14pt
  9. select 6th paragraph: make leading = 16pt
  10. select 7th paragraph: make leading = 18pt
  11. compare leading: which is easier to read?
  12. with the leading at 18pt, make the frame wider (how wide can you make it without inhibiting readability?)
  13. record new width at bottom of page

page 7: change the font

  1. insert new page; go to page 7
  2. view 150%
  3. object > text frame options: columns = 2
  4. change first 3 paragraphs to a different font:
    • Adobe Garamond Regular
    • ITC Century Book
    • Bodoni Std Book
  5. record font name as first word of each paragraph; make one word in each paragraph italic
  6. examine type size and readability of each paragraph
  7. update caption at bottom of page

making PDFs

  1. file > adobe PDF presets > smallest file size: "text type-small.pdf"
  2. file > adobe PDF presets > high quality print: "text type-high.pdf"
  3. file > package


  1. print all 7 pages
  2. submit b&w proofs with your name and exercise number on it for grading
  3. file your graded proof in your Process Book for individual review

Last updated: 5/7/21