Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

Graphic Design Exercises
InDesign: Importing and Editing Art

(Archived from 2019)


To learn different ways of adding art to an InDesign document: cutting and pasting vector art from Illustrator, placing vector art, and placing photos. To learn how to edit, crop, and rotate art on the page. To learn how to add text wrap and drop shadows.


laying out page 1

ICE cover sample

  1. download and unzip the starter files:
  2. open ICE_Cover.indd
  3. type > show hidden characters (cmd+opt+I)
  4. window > layers: new layers "guides", "art", "art ghosted"
  5. go to "guides" layer, lock others
  6. drag a vertical guide that aligns with the left edge of the "I"
  7. go to "art" layer, lock others; hide "bg" layer
  8. open gelato ICE logo.pdf in Illustrator
  9. copy/paste art into "art" layer in InDesign
  10. select the orange parts of the logo: fill=paper
  11. select all, group art (cmd+G)
  12. reveal "bg" layer
  13. scale and reposition logo
  14. copy logo to "art ghosted" layer: opt+drag SQUARE to new layer
  15. hide "art" layer
  16. ungroup art (cmd+shift+G), delete type
  17. select snowflake art, group (cmd+G)
  18. window > effects: opacity=20%
  19. scale, rotate, reposition art
  20. reveal all layers, lock all layers
  21. save

laying out page 2

ICE cover sample

  1. unlock "art" layer
  2. file > place: welcome1.jpg, welcome2.jpg, and welcome3.jpg
  3. select all photos
  4. scale images to approx 3 columns wide
  5. select welcome1.jpg
  6. window > text wrap: wrap around bounding box = yes (offset 0p6 all around)
  7. object > effects > drop shadow: opacity=50%, X/Y offsets=0p6, size=0p6
  8. window > styles > object: new style "drop shadow 50%"
  9. apply style to all 3 photos
  10. reposition photos as seen in the example
  11. rotate the photos -10°, 10°, and 5° respectively
  12. direct select tool: adjust the wrap as needed
  13. file > place mark signature.tif, scale
  14. direct select tool: select content of picture frame, fill=orange
  15. add your name and exercise number to both pages and print


  1. submit b&w proof with your name and exercise number on it for grading
  2. file your graded proof in your Process Book for individual review

Last updated: 5/7/21