Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

Illustration Exercises
Collections: Fish


Learn how to create a cohesive collection of vector illustrations. To practice the principles of unity and variety. To explore the world of stock art.


Commissioned collections: Illustrators often create illustration collections intended for multi-page print projects and/or digital platforms. A good collection has enough variety to be interesting but cohesive enough to work as a unified whole. When creating a collection, use one illustrative style and repetitive motifs.


Stock art collections: Illustrators have been creating stock art since the early days of mechanized printing. These collections are used by graphic designers who either lack the skills or budget to create their own art. Today, quality stock art is accessible on the web, which makes marketing illustration stock art easier—and more competitive than ever. Illustrators who choose to sell their stock online won't make much income per sale, but sales can add up over time, providing a passive income stream.

See Make money selling stock illustrations: 5 expert tips.

Most illustrators choose to sell their collections through a third-party web service (see link below). Vector illustration is preferred, although pixel art has gained popularity. Vector art is heavily curated, and must past inspection by the stock service.

Check out Design Shack's Guide to Selling Stock Art.


Sketching: Drawing is an important part of the process. It's important to work through ideas and refine sketches before vectorizing. Below are time-lapse videos of the drawing process for this exercise using Sketchbook Pro on an Ipad Pro.





prepping the Ai file

  1. download starter file
  2. inspect files
  3. launch Ai, create a 14" x 11" artboard, place "fish-sketch.jpg"
  4. rename layer "sketch"
  5. set image layer mode to multiple, reduce transparency, lock layer

creating the vectors

  1. create new layers for each fish, restack "sketch" to top, lock layers not in use
  2. using the pen tool, draw the body and tail as one shape
  3. draw fins, group, restack in layer panel
  4. refine vector shapes as needed
  5. use the ellipse tool to create spots and eyes; use direct selection tool to slightly distort ellipses
  6. use the shape builder tool to create belly (if applicable)

adding shadows using "actions"

  1. create a new action for the shadows:
    gray = 30%
    layer mode = multiply
    opacity = 35%
  2. draw shadows, trim with shapebuilder tool
  3. use action to style shadow

creating alternates

  1. delete "sketch" layer
  2. copy artboard with art
  3. use the puppet tool to add movement to the fish

extra credit:

  1. add to the collection—draw and vectorize your own fish


  1. file graded proof in your Process Book for individual review


Last updated: 5/7/21