Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

Graphic Design Exercises
Illustrator: Type Distortion

(Archived from 2019)


To learn type distortion techniques by example. To learn Adobe Illustrator's brush on path techniques by recreating the art below:


On a clear day you can see forever

  1. download above PNG file (right-click on image: download image to disk)
  2. install ITC Benguiat Gothic - Heavy
  3. launch Illustrator
  4. file > new (cmyk; letter), save as ""
  5. practice Adobe navigation keyboard shortcuts: space=hand; space+cmd=zoom in; space+cmd+opt=zoom out; cmd+zero=fit in window
  6. file > place "distortion.png" (as template)
  7. rename "layer 1" as "perspective"
  8. type "On a clear day you can see forever"; select all (cmd-A); make font Helvetica LT Std Bold (cmd+T)
  9. dupe type (move with option); convert duped type to outlines (cmd+shift+O)
  10. distort type: use free transform tool (perspective)
  11. window > brushes: drag art into floating palette (make new art brush "clear"); scale=proportional; colorization=tints
  12. draw path approximating center of curved type (fill=none, stroke=blue)
  13. apply "clear" brush, adjust curve, adjust size

Peace Cafe

  1. new layer "circle", draw circle approximating center of curved type (fill=none, stroke=green)
  2. cut circle: use scissors tool (C) on left/right anchor points of circle
  3. delete unneeded line segments
  4. type "PEACE", spec ITC Benguiat Gothic Heavy
  5. dupe type object and replace text with "CAFE"
  6. dupe both type objects (move with option); convert duped type to outlines
  7. window > brushes: drag art into floating palette (make new art brush "peace"); scale=proportional; colorization=tints
  8. apply "peace" brush to top half of circle
  9. repeat with "CAFE" for bottom half of circle, flip direction in brush options (double-click brush)
  10. make peace symbol on new layer
  11. change stroke color to green


  1. add your name and the exercise number to the file
  2. print a proof for grading
  3. file your graded proof in your Process Book for individual review

Last updated: 5/7/21