Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

Graphic Design Exercises
Illustrator: Hand-Generated Type

(Archived from 2019)


To learn Illustrator's live trace function. To practice Illustrator's pen tool editing functions by recreating the above wordmark.


Translating vector to pixels is easy. Going the other way is hard. Often pixel art has to be meticulously traced by hand. As imperfect as image trace is, we were able to capture the essence of this original art with one click. However, this technique will only work with art that already looks "imperfect" and we wish to retain its imperfections.


creating the art in Illustrator

  1. download above GIF file (RMB: save images as...)
  2. download Illustrator keyboard shortcuts
  3. launch Illustrator
  4. file > new: letter, portrait
  5. practice Adobe navigation keyboard shortcuts: space=hand; space+cmd=zoom in; space+cmd+opt=zoom out; cmd+zero=fit in window
  6. file > place: "aloe.gif"
  7. select placed image, zoom in to see detail
  8. object > live trace > tracing options: preset=b&w logo, refine (preview=yes)
  9. object > expand
  10. view > outline (cmd+Y); make sure counters are transparent
  11. refine the art as needed

helpful hints for refining art

  1. choose the direct select tool before selecting the pen tool
  2. when using the pen tool, access the direct select tool with the cmd key
  3. add anchor point: glide mouse over path, click "+"
  4. delete anchor point: glide mouse over anchor point, click "-"
  5. smooth anchor point: opt+click and drag
  6. corner anchor point: opt+click
  7. adjust curves: move handles with cmd key
  8. smooth curves have handles about 1/3 the of length a line segment


  1. add your name and the exercise number to the file
  2. clean-up your printable area and add credit.
    In 9pt Helvetica, 1/2" from bottom and right side of the page add:
    Exercise #: Exercise Name
    Your Name
  3. print a proof for grading
  4. extra credit: create your own hand-generated type and scan it in for tracing (tip: just draw the outline for scanning, edit the vectors to make solid shapes)
  5. file your graded proof in your Process Book for individual review

Last updated: 5/7/21