Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

GDS 273/274 Illustration I & II
Process Book


(Archived from 2019)



To record your creative process for self-evaluation. To utilize self-evaluation as a tool for improving your design skills.


Keep a record of your creative process as it pertains to the assignments in this class. Print and file every step of every assignment (projects, exercises, quizzes, etc.) in a 3-ring binder. Organize your proofs in a logical sequence with tabs as dividers. Be sure to save everything you do for this class (research, briefs, sketches, preliminary proofs, final proofs, etc.). You will be graded on your organization skills and how complete your Process Book is.

  1. Purchase a 3-ring binder. Three-hole punch all the work you produce for this class and file it in your binder.
  2. Design a cover sheet for your binder. The cover sheet should contain at least the following information: "Parkland College," your name, the name of this class, semester and year. The cover must also include an original illustration by you.
  3. Design tabs for your sections to help organize your work.



Bring your Process Book for individual critique at midterm and at the end of the semester.



Last updated: 5/4/21 • Webmaster: Paul Young <>