Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

GDS 120 Graphic Design I
Visual Diary

(Archived from 2019)


To practice thumbnail sketching. To record ideas for future reference.


Keep a visual diary of everything that happens in your life. Keep notes of your thoughts for future reference. Develop your ideas by sketching variations (see examples). The contents of your diary will be kept strictly confidential (you will be graded on quantity and quality, not content.)

Also see:


Purchase a blank book. Carry it with you wherever you go. You may use it to take notes with, to doodle in, to write in, whatever.

  • Discipline yourself by drawing something in your sketchbook at least once every day
  • Whenever you see something interesting, sketch it in the book
  • Date each of your sketches (required)

Feel free to develop concepts and roughs for your projects in your diary, but project sketches do NOT count towards your visual diary grade.


Bring your diary for individual critique at midterm and at the end of the semester. You should have at least 105 sketches by the end of the semester (15 weeks multiplied by 7 days per week equals 105).


If you are concurrently taking more than one graphic design class which has a visual diary or sketchbook assignment, it is recommended that you use one sketchbook for all your classes. If appropriate, you may also use your sketchbook for any other classes as along as it fulfills your instructor's requirements. You may combine notes, journal entries, classroom assignments, etc. all into one sketchbook.

Last updated: 5/4/21 • Webmaster: Paul Young <>