Archived copy for reference only


Graphic Design / Interactive Design / Fine & Applied Arts / Parkland College

GDS 102 Graphic Design History
Project 1: Graphic Styles

(Archived from 2019)


To learn about graphic styles throughout history and the influences that contributed to these styles. To collect reference materials for future use.

Secondary objectives

To utilize Google Docs or Powerpoint as a presentation tool.


Using Google Docs or Powerpoint, design a 10-minute presentation about one of the major graphic styles in design history. You must include visual examples of this style and a bibliography of your references. Your selection of examples should include pieces not in the slide show or in the textbook.

Depending on the number of students in the class and the selections made, you may be working with a partner. Team projects will receive one grade for the work of the team. In addition, team members are asked to complete a survey at the end of the project which may affect individual grades.

The presentation schedule is as follows:

Feb 15 Victorian Nate Strigotte
Feb 15 Arts & Crafts Duy Le
Feb 22 Art Nouveau Marcus Flinn
Mar 1 Early Modern Jessica Wyckoff
Mar 1 Art Deco Karla Ramos
Mar 15 American Kitsch  
Mar 15 Late Modern Alex Lutz
Mar 29 Swiss / International Jonathan Ware
Apr 5 Psychedelic Darby Connell
Apr 12 Postmodern Katia Janes
Apr 12 Deconstructivism Carly Shinker
Apr 19 Contemporary Jonathan Tolbert



1. Choose your style: Review the slide lectures for this class (also reference the Graphic Styles Timeline handout). Determine which styles you would like to make a presentation on. "Claim" your top three choices as part of your Cobra homework post when prompted. I will do my best to accommodate your preferences (but I can not guarantee that you will get your top choices). Consideration will be given to the order your posts appear in Cobra (so don't delay).

2. Background Research: Read the textbook chapter(s) relating to your graphic style (see Homework Assignments). What other cultural influences may have affected this style? What styles came before this style? Who were the influential designers who designed in this style? How did this style influence other styles to come? Extra credit may be awarded for including quality retro examples of this style.

3. In-depth research: Find books, periodicals and/or Internet resources about your graphic style. Look specifically for additional visual examples that are not in the textbook or slide lectures. Be sure to include significant players who contributed to this style. What other information can you add that was not included in the slide lecture or your textbook? Prepare a bibliography of works cited (you must use at least four non-Internet sources).

4. Designing the presentation: Scan or download images for your presentation. Write notes for your presentation in bulleted format. Organize your information and sequence it in a logical manner. Format your presentation using Google Docs or Powerpoint. You must include a bibliography of works cited (see examples examples APA and MLA styles). Rehearse and refine your presentation until your are happy with it (feel free to make use of Parkland's Speech Lab).

5. Giving the presenation: On the day of your scheduled presentation, you will be projecting your presentation in the classroom. Give your presentation in class (you have up to 10 minutes). Be prepared to answer questions after the presentation.

6. Grading: Email your instructor (your instructor) a link to your Google Docs presentation (click the SHARE button on the upper right) or attach a copy of your Powerpoint file (tip: Powerpoint does not retain fonts, but if you export a PDF, your fonts will be embedded). Your email must arrive before you give your presentation.

Note: 10% will be deducted from your grade for every 24 hours that it is late.

Last updated: 5/4/21 • Webmaster: Paul Young <>